
Global Survivors Fund (GSF) is looking for a Research Officer: Apply!!


The Global Survivors Fund (“GSF”) was launched in October 2019 by Dr Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad, Nobel Peace Prize laureates 2018. Its mission is to enhance access to reparations for survivors of conflict-related sexual violence around the globe, thus responding to a gap long identified by survivors. GSF acts to provide interim reparative measures in situations where states or other parties are unable or unwilling to meet their responsibilities. GSF advocates for duty bearers as well as the international community to develop reparations programmes. It also guides states and civil society by providing expertise and technical support for designing reparations programmes. GSF’s survivor-centric approach is the cornerstone of its work.

The Reparation Praxis Hub collaborates with all units at GSF in the production, systematisation, and sharing of knowledge based on what works on reparation for CRSV, building on the Global Reparations Study, the experience of other GSF units, as well as from other experiences from the field. In sharing this knowledge, it aims at promoting institutional learning, produce practical tools, support other actors working in the field as well as to stimulate communities of practice.

The Global Reparations Study is a multi-country study on the status of and opportunities for reparations for survivors of conflict-related sexual violence in over 20 countries. The Global Reparations Study is a multi-actor effort, led by GSF in collaboration with over 40 local and international partners, including survivors’ networks and groups. The purpose of the Global Reparations Study is to carry out an assessment of conflict-related sexual violence, its impacts and the related elements concerning survivors’ access to reparations. For each country covered by the Study, a report taking stock of the status and opportunities for reparations for survivors of conflict-related sexual violence is being produced, including a list of recommendations on the ways forward.

Role Summary

The Research Officer will conduct desk-based research on conflict-related sexual violence and reparation. Responsibilities include reviewing and drafting country and thematic reports, as well as producing other required products on key themes of relevance for GSF. The Research Officer will support the development of survivor-centred, trauma-informed and gendersensitive methodology, and conduct data management, analysis and coding for the Global Reparations Study (GRS). Additionally, the Research Officer will train and provide technical support to GSF team members and relevant stakeholders on software usage and data management. The Research Officer will also assist the Reparation Praxis Hub with various research and technical tasks. The position will be supervised by the Global Reparations Study Lead, in coordination with the Head of the Reparation Praxis Hub and with ad-hoc technical reporting to other GSF staff as needed.

Position Responsibilities

Writing, Editing and Research

  • Read and review country reports and country briefings, especially those from Asian
    countries, but not limited to them. Provide detailed feedback to authors to ensure the
    accuracy, consistency, and quality of the reports and briefings.
  • Edit and format country reports and country briefings, following internal procedures
    and liaising with GSF’s Communications and Finance teams when needed;
  • Conduct research on the nature, scope and impacts of conflict-related sexual violence,
    as well as on reparation for survivors of conflict-related sexual violence;
  • Conduct research on domestic reparation programmes for conflict-related sexual
    violence victims globally, and distil best practices and lessons learnt;
  • Contribute to the drafting of thematic studies and other research products derived
    from the Global Reparations Study as required. This includes, but is not limited to, key
    topics for GSF such as children born of conflict-related sexual violence, rehabilitation
    for survivors of conflict-related sexual, and education as a form of reparation.
  • Contribute to developing survivor-centred, trauma-informed, and gender-sensitive
    methodologies and research methods for use by GSF staff, consultants, or partners as
    part of the Global Reparations Study;
  • Contribute to assessing the methodologies and research methods used by GSF staff
    and partners in developing country and thematic studies for the Global Reparations
    Study, and provide recommendations for improving these approaches as needed.

Data Management, Analysis and Coding

  • Oversee survivor data management and analysis processes, including coordinating
    related tasks, in close collaboration with the Global Reparations Study Lead;
  • Support the quantitative data management in KoBoToolbox or other platforms in all
    phases of the process and provide support to the country leads, partners, research
    assistants and interns in uploading and accessing such information in a safe and secure
  • Produce plots of the quantitative data from KoBoToolbox or other platforms and qualitative data from NVivo with RStudio;
  • Enter survivor’s data into KoBoToolbox or other platforms when needed, and code the
    survivor transcripts in NVivo or other software for specific countries and thematic
    clusters, as well as provide support and guidance to GSF staff, including interns, when
    they conduct coding tasks.

Training and Technical Support

  • Train country team leads, partners, project officers, research assistants and interns on
    the use of relevant software and access to GSF’s RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) cloud,
    facilitate connection and manage access to FileZilla, RDP, KoBoToolbox and NVivo or
    other software or information technology (IT) tools as required;
  • Provide technical support to partners and GSF teams when interacting with IT solutions
    and software providers, in particular in relation to storage and sharing of documents
    containing sensitive data;
  • Provide support to GSF staff and partners to establish a collaborative database
    management framework to be used by country teams coordinating Interim Reparative
    Measures Projects;
  • Support GSF staff in the research and coordination of database practices and software
  • Contribute to the development of training courses on reparation and conflict-related
    sexual violence for relevant stakeholders, both within and outside of GSF, and assist in
    delivering this training

Transversal Activities for the Reparation Praxis Hub pillar

  • Serve as the primary liaison between website developers, GSF’s Communications and
    Reparation Praxis Hub teams, facilitating communication and coordination to ensure
    that content is accurately included and updated on the website;
  • Oversee the integration of content into the website, ensuring that updates and
    additions are made promptly and align with the Reparation Praxis Hub’s objectives;
  • Support the Reparations Praxis Hub team in developing interactive and pedagogical IT
    tools to be used for the systematisation of reparation praxis and for their
    communication and interaction with targeted audiences;
  • Assist the Reparation Praxis Hub team with technical support issues related to the
    website, working closely with developers and the Communications Team to
    troubleshoot and resolve problems effectively;
  • Provide support to the Global Reparations Study Lead in monitoring and reporting Key
    Performance Indicators (KPIs). This includes assisting in the development and
    maintenance of KPI tracking systems, analysing performance data, preparing reports,
    and offering insights to ensure that the Global Reparations Study team’s objectives are
    met effectively;
  • Conduct research, data collection and provide general support to the Global
    Reparation Study team and the Reparation Praxis Hub with any other tasks as

Position Requirements
Education and Experience

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Data Science, or a
    related field;
  • A master’s degree in international human rights law, transitional justice, political
    science, or a related field. A PhD in a relevant area or equivalent research experience
    highly desirable;
  • A minimum of three years of progressive relevant experience working on conflictrelated violence, reparation and/or transitional justice.

Other requirements

  • Excellent research, drafting and editing skills in English. English is the working language
    of the Global Survivors Fund. Proficiency in languages spoken in Asian countries where
    GSF is active, such as Bengali, Burmese, Khmer, Nepali, Tamil, or Tetum, would be an
  • Knowledge and work experience related to conflict-related sexual violence,
    reparations, and/or transitional justice;
  • Proven ability researching, writing, and finalising key outputs in the fields of work of
  • Proven experience in developing survivor-centred, trauma-informed, and gendersensitive methodologies;
  • Proven ability to train individuals or teams on software usage and data management
    tools, and experience providing technical support for data management systems and
    troubleshooting technical issues;
  • Proficiency with KoBoToolbox, NVivo, and RStudio for managing and analysing
    quantitative and qualitative data;
  • Experience with Content Management Systems such as Typo3, along with working
    knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP;
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and SharePoint).
  • Knowledge of Adobe InDesign and Photoshop is highly desirable;
  • Professional demeanour and excellent communication skills;
  • Attention to detail and ability to work independently, sometimes under tight
  • Strong organisational skills to manage various tasks and projects effectively;
  • Strong work ethics and demonstrated ability to take initiative;
  • Experience working in at least one of the countries where GSF has projects

How to apply

Please send your CV, cover letter and three references to
with “Researcher Officer” as the email subject, by 16.10.2024. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


The Global Survivors Fund is dedicated to fostering diversity, gender balance, and inclusion, mirroring the varied landscapes where we operate and the communities we work with. We welcome applications from qualified professionals of all backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. We particularly encourage candidates from regions where GSF is active to apply.

We adhere to several safeguarding policies, including Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, and Fiscal Integrity.
Please be aware that candidates must be authorised to work in the country where the position is based at the time of application.

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